
Sunday, July 1, 2012


Family is a pretty amazing thing. It is more than the people that raise you or who you're trying to raise. It's the ones that surround you along the way. In the past week I feel like I've experienced every aspect of the word. Here's what this odd six letter word has done over the last five or six days.

Family is...
- a Sunday nap with a four month old who's fist is clinched around your favorite necklace
- spending three days doing nothing just so grandparents can hear a giggle and squeal
- driving two hours just to have dinner and deliver "baby girl things"
- visiting an old "stomping ground" just so an aunt can love on her nephew
- catching up with loved ones while on the same continent instead of oceans apart
- having pink tutus overtake my house so that joy can conquer past sadness
- hand-me-down boy clothes from his future best friend
- late night laughs about being fat, tattoos, and learning to spoon feed
- an unexpected 100ct box of diapers
- four generations

My Hudson,
Your "family" is amazing. If they're half as good to you as they are to me... You'll have it made baby boy! Always cherish the relationships you have. Your dad and I are surrounded by some pretty awesome folks and they already think you're something special.  Always be grateful for whatever is done for you.  When you're older, a teenager, and cranky, remember to be nice to your extended family and all of our crazy friends because... at one point or another they probably cleaned your butt.
love you,

"Chair sling" from the Koonce family - made in Rwanda

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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