
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Once upon a time

7 years ago I was at Tech. I had my eye on a cutie. I bowled with him at Kennel Night and made him a bet. That bet ended with a first date. 

It's crazy how love starts. Cheesy much? But seriously. You're so dadgum smitten and don't even know what's ahead. I remember so clearly that first date at Frothy Monkey. I remember discussing past heartbreaks, Christianity, a need to explore, and dream family size. A hug is all I got when he left me at my door and I remember goosebumps when I saw him on campus the next day. More importantly I remember how giddy I was when his best friend questioned me.

Life happens. October marks 7 years with Kyle. We've been thru so much in such a short time. I have a great friend who will remain nameless that told me that she cries at weddings because they're so beautiful... And because the girl has no idea what's about to happen.

More than life happening, it changes. Love changes. You get married and it's crazy. We were given the best advice: "being a newlywed is a state of mind and not a frame of time". That's the truth. But it's so hard to live it. It's so hard to find the time with two kids and a dog and a house that won't sell and jobs and families and tempers and appointments and laundry and bills and and and...

This week I have to vow to be a wife. Sometimes as mommas I think we forget that. God put Kyle and I together. My kids will leave one day and I'll be back alone with this crazy man and I refuse to not know him. 

So, if you're reading this... Remember sometimes it's ok to put kids on the back burner. They'll survive. 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

not really wordless wednesday... but pictures nonetheless

Now, I am no photographer and I sure don't know how to "appropriately" edit photos. But today it was beautiful outside and the big kid requested more baseball. So, we played... and I took pictures... and tonight I played with editing. I love these boys. 
this my friends is an "open mouth cheesy grin" that came from tickles. 

I don't know when he became grown, but good grief I love him. 

He throws right handed. He bats left. Watch out world... this kid is gonna be awesome. AND it came with no forcing! He's had all this since February and just started asking to play. I love it. 

These are the pictures that make me wonder what's in that mind. He's so intent. He's so beautiful. 

My green eyed boy's eyes are turning brown. Maybe they'll be hazel, but lately they've looked mighty brown. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The cup is half...

I am a special needs mom. 

My child has special needs.

Maddox has three diagnoses. 

Those three statements are some of the toughest I've swallowed the past few days. I've wallowed. I've cried. I've screamed in my car. I've vented on Facebook (the epitome of a meltdown right?) I've yelled at the unfair screwed up "system".

But what does this change? Not a dadgum thing. Each diagnosis the neurologist read to me was something I knew was coming. (Let's be clear: I called asking for them. I hoped with my whole being that this list of life long difficulties would somehow guarantee him some form of assistance when only it lead to more denials but that's another days worth of complaints...) but still, hearing her say it. Hearing her say words officially makes me feel things I've never felt. 

Am I ready to list them? No. Grant me that. The main reason is because I googled after talking to her. Yes, I know better, but after studying childhood diseases and disorders (thank you Child Life degree) I knew enough to know I needed to know more. We've said from day one that cerebral palsy was a possibility so of course that's part. Well, googling only gives worst case and no one is going to look at my kid with a worst case perspective. No one (excuse the momma bear). 

But look at him! There's things no one sees but us. Maddox's head is floppy, but he's picking it up from time to time. And, when he picks it up, he doesn't fall backwards! It used to flop every direction. Now? Just forward. 

You see those fingers? This is a kid that used to never open his hands. Now? He can lay them flat on a surface when he touches it! He sees his hands finally and recognizes when he touches things.

Toes? Oh the toes... when his feet touch the ground they're flat. It's amazing. No more tip toes. 

I could go on and on about things he can do that isn't noticeable to everyone but we don't have time for all that. Just know that tiny steps eventually add up.

Here's the deal. I can grasp a lot of things - he may walk, he may not. He may talk my ear off one day, he may not. He may eat McDonalds happy meals, or he may be tube fed forever. But at the end of the day, I don't care. I don't. Not even a little. I'm not being a pessimist. I'm not counting him out. There's a fine line of realistic optimism that I walk daily... No, every minute. I care what he's doing today. And today? He's sleeping through the night more days than not, we've been seizure free for almost a month, and he doesn't dislike his new chair. People don't understand how priorities change, how to do lists are different, how much you can crave things as simple as a smile for your kids, but I do. Does that make me superwoman? Heck no, it makes me a momma. 

It makes me a momma just like everyone else.  I'm nothing fancy. I read a blog once about how "special needs kids aren't lucky to have us as parents but we are lucky to have had them as kids." Good grief ain't that the truth. Two years ago I would've looked at me and said what some of my best girlfriends say about not knowing how we do it. But we all rise to challenges. And the best way to "rise" is by letting others help carry the load. (Our family is way better than yours, by the way. All our extendeds on both sides plus our friends are absolutely amazing) 

Lastly in my rant of rants... I know not everyone would chose to share like we do, but it's who we are. Maddox is no secret. Maddox is the most quiet superstar I know. But I've never been one to live quietly and maybe that's why I got picked for him. I'll shout his triumphs, struggles, and even days of monotony, because I like to. I like to show off my babies. I like to openly ask for prayer. I like to attempt and give adequate praise to the Author of this story we are living.

I like to be an open screwed up book of imperfections. 
See that big kid? He loves his Maddox Ray. And right now, to him, his brother is perfect and his "sweet boy" so my heart is full.