
Tuesday, January 3, 2012


It has been a blur the past few weeks (an understatement for what is in store, I'm sure).  Kyle and I have realized just how amazing of a life God has given us.  From our amazing friends to our ever-loyal families, we cannot ever express just how blessed we are.  

It's been a season of so many things for us.  Christmas came and went in such a fast time that we had to sit and reminisce about what we really did.  We enjoyed Christmas with my mom's side of the family the weekend before and loved getting to see all of that extended family. Christmas weekend we made our annual "Louisiana Triangle" as we call it. To some people, it's crazy to drive that much over three days, but to us... it is our norm.  We left on Friday afternoon at 2pm and headed to Stonewall for dinner and a movie with my parents, sisters, and brothers-in-law.  It's fun to just be "us" from time to time.  We stayed the night there and had our family Christmas on Saturday morning/lunch.  Watching Robin's kids, John Ryan and Nora, get to open and be so excited about their gifts is so much fun!  We ended up leaving Mom's around 2 to head to Kyle's parents to have Christmas with them and his brother.  Again, we love the time with our immediate families. Its a time to slow down and hang out by ourselves, which we don't get often.  Christmas Eve Kyle and I went home to open our "CE gifts" (aka: pajamas!) and headed to bed for a busy Christmas Day.  Christmas Day started bright and early (thanks, Kyle) and after having our last Christmas alone as a couple, we headed to his mom's side of the family for 10am Christmas!  This is such a fun tradition: everyone sits around and reads the story of Jesus' birth followed by singing, there's gag gifts remembering the year's events, and exchanging of gifts starting with the youngest in the group, followed by a fabulous lunch!  Sure enough, we weren't done yet... We left (again around 2pm) to head to Toledo Bend to see his dad's side of the family! Whew! We were there til Monday... yep, at 2! 

Our families are large and we were pooped by the end, but is it so bad to say you have "too much" family to go see? I think not. 

We were home for a couple of hours when two great friends came in to town.  Hunter and Angie and their little Arabella came to visit for a few days.  We spent some much needed time getting acquainted with their 9 week old baby girl and catching up.  Kyle got good practice with baby holding, a gassy belly, and some super sad faces from such a precious baby.  He laughed when she laughed and hated it when she had the hiccups. Yeah... he's getting ready. 

We've gotten to see our little man again and again and I fall more in love with him each time.  He's starting to look squishy in all the right places and I just can't wait to hold him! Some friends of ours, Tim and Wendi, had their little boy just last week and holding someone so small and perfect makes us each that much more impatient! Today, our check-up was great. We've got about 8 weeks left and he's already over 4 pounds! oh my! 

So.... between family and this growing miracle I've got... I'm not lucky. I'm blessed. God has given me  a life I never even realized I wanted. I've had nights laughing late into the night with friends I've only known for a short period of time, mornings where I've needed to sleep off the holiday travels, and afternoons where I've laughed with my husband about the smallest things. I've done nothing to deserve what He has given me and continues to provide me with, but I can say that I am truly grateful. 

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