
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hakuna Matata

Man, am I tired.  Here it is Tuesday after 10pm and I have a house that looks like a tornado ran right through it.  I'm talking all of our clean laundry on the guest bed, both sides of the sink full of dishes, dustbunnies in every corner, and not a single bed is made.  But, I'm tired. Currently, I'm taking a break from working on my Thesis for my Master's classes and I'm refusing to go back up to school.  ugh.

Hudson had to come "help" one night at work,
He fell asleep in the bean bag chair. 
I LOVE my behavior chart.  It's typical colors,
but I made the hats... silly how excited I was.
I started a new position at work... no more Special Ed for this gal, I've got a full Kindergarten class.  Today was my first day with all of my babies and we all survived.  I like it, I do. It's just a change.  I like finally having a full class of my own.  I miss my aide terribly of course, but today she got to be with me all day because I actually have a few SpEd kids in my room.  As of right now, I have 22 total.  It'll work, I know it will. I've just got a lot on my plate. I'm trying to do a lot more trusting in God and of course when you try that, Satan himself tries to kick your butt even harder. But, I have a great new coworker  and my boss keeps pushing me.  Gotta get through September... or at least that's what I tell myself.

first Braves Game!!!

With Braves pitcher, Tim Hudson
I don't know who was more excited, Kyle or Hudson. :) 

We just got home from our annual Atlanta Trip.  We had big plans, but the weather didn't really cooperate. SO, we went to the braves game and then basically just hung out.  Which, hanging out was just what we needed. OH, and we shopped! Ooooh, I got my little man all set for fall/winter. Now if just the weather would change so he can wear his overalls, sweaters, and cute little jean jacket!

Doctor day - this was pre shots... but he looked the same way afterwards.  He sat up the entire appointment, ripped the paper lining off the table, and squealed for everyone to hear!!! 
Other than traveling and working and going to school... well, what time do we have left? We're trying to live it up!!! Today was Hudson's 6 month shots day and he was a CHAMP!!! He flirted and played with everyone before, then cried a tad bit, and resumed flirting. What am I going to do with him?! Oh he's amazing.

Stats of the day: 45inch head, 17 pounds 4 ounces, and 27.5 inches long

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