
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

another month of pure studliness.

Too bright!!!  
there's those beautiful eyes... 
 I usually try and take Hudson's picture on his "month-day" but this month, he's 7 months old now, we spent the day at the doctor's office running 102 fever with no other symptoms. Joy oh joy.  Come to find out, we think the kid may have strep.

So, no cute outside pictures this month.  I was lucky to get a few in between pure pitiful moments.  I stayed home with him Tuesday and it was tiring to say the least. Fever finally broke but still had a pitiful cranky kid who was obviously miserable.  AND, to make it even more fun, pretty sure there's some teeth that will be making an appearance soon. (notice all the drool in the picture above on the left?)
give me that camera, woman! 
learning to clap while watching football

Hudson is now reaching for EVERYTHING.  I keep telling Kyle that any day he'll be realizing that if he crawls, he can get it. But, I'm not rushing mobility at all. I like that he sits and stays. Speaking of sitting, that's an all time thing now.  At six months, he still was quite the weeble wobble, but now, don't even try to lay that kid down. No ma'am. He sits on the tile kitchen floor, our bed, in the tub, everywhere. I love it. He's just so stinking big. 

Also new, he has started clapping!  He'll clap if you sing patty cake or just cause you're saying "Yay!". It's the cutest thing!  Apparently daycare sings and claps a LOT. 

how most of Monday and Tuesday went at our house. 

even though it was pitiful - loved cuddling with this burning up baby boy.
(excuse crummy phone quality picture)

So, 7 months old -
- he's clapping and trying to wave
- 17lbs 4 oz
- two teeth all the way through now
- and just as lovable as ever

As for Kyle and I?
We're good. Work is busy for both of us and some days we feel too drained, but daily God reminds me that that husband of mine is a perfect fit. I couldn't do it without him.  Today? He came home from work, loaded the kid and the dog up in the stroller and we all just walked. Happiness is a choice.

1 comment:

  1. Even sick, he's one of the cutest babies I've ever seen. I have to meet him!
