
Thursday, January 17, 2013

ten months... and a new cousin

November brought exciting things for our family!!! My sister, Randi, had her beautiful baby girl Sarah. We all made it to Stonewall for Thanksgiving on Wednesday and Randi called to let us know she'd be induced on Thanksgiving day.  Baby Sarah Elizabeth was born that Friday, November 22nd.  She was healthy and happy and after a few days in the NICU to get rid of an infection, they all go to go home.  She is beautiful. (excuse the lack of pictures - respecting momma's wishes) Just know that she looks exactly like Randi - dark hair and eyes and lips that are perfect! We love her.

Hudson has grown a LOT! He's turning into a little man right before our eyes. Ear infections are still the plague around here, but we're all surviving.

10 months:
Can clap happily
Has started eating some finger foods
Is having to be told No (often) and now looks to you before doing something "wrong" and grins. OH NO, what am I going to do?!
Has hit the 20lb mark!
Pulling up to standing on his own
doing it a week later all on his own!!!

Dad helping him stand up

His shirt says "Ladies Man". Enough said.

preparing for the flash
Dec 17 - 10 months old and on the way to the doctor's
for verification of another ear infection
(#3 or 4, can't remember)
after this doctor's appt (on a Monday),
Wednesday we went
back and learned that he had RSV 

he likes that momma's new phone lets us look at ourselves.

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