
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

One in a million

I like what life does with friends. I enjoy how each stage brings you a perfect right hand man for the blip of time that it is. If you're lucky, you snag someone who lasts past the blip. 

I feel like I've been blessed with keeping my "stage of life friends" forever. In college, I gained two girlfriends that I know I can't live without. 

This is my story of me and my Angie.

I've been to Honduras. Did you know that? Sometimes that two weeks is overshadowed by the fact that I moved to West Africa a year and a half later, but it was a great two weeks. I went with a group of college kids who I barely knew, and Angie was my roommate. We instantly hit it off and I even enjoyed her beau. 

The stories are endless. We've laughed so hard and cried even harder. 
Like that one time... I talked her in to buying the two piece that gave her permanent tan lines at Galveston Beach. 

Or the million times the four of us looked like this.

She gets me, ya know? She sees past my imperfections and constantly encourages me to live loudly in the skin God gave me. She shows me daily what it really means to be a Godly wife, mother, and friend. She's the real deal. 

She stood by me on the biggest day of my life. And every day since she hasn't let me kill him when he drives me nuts. 

We've had babies together and now she's going to welcome another peanut this fall. She selflessly has come to the needs of my family without even a blink of an eye.

Above all, she hasn't changed. She's loyal to her peeps and to her God and you just can't beat that. She loves Mac n Cheese from the box and a cold sweet tea, she moved to dumb ole Texas but is still Lousiana through and through, she's learned to make pretty legit cookies and can even cook for a party of 50 if she needs to, she loves pjs just as much as me, and she will probably correct any grammar mistakes I made.

But most importantly, she's my friend and I'm grateful for her. 

Happy birthday, Angie. Us Sassers just love ya.

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